NSTIAM conducts several courses funded by Central and State Government. National Institute of Agricultural Marketing (NIAM), Jaipur was the main source of fund upto the F.Y 2013-14 for conducting trainings at NSTIAM. From financial year 2013-14, the Institute started obtaining fund conducting training under State Budget. Presently funds from State Budget play the lion share for the training fund of the Institute.
Apart from being a tool for skilling people from the socio-economic fringe in the arena of Agricultural Marketing, the Institute also spreads vital knowledge and awareness on organic principles of fruits and vegetable processing, preservation and value addition.
On one level, the Institute offers training programmes that cover short duration residential courses including computer and office management; issues relevant to Agricultural Marketing and topics related to infrastructural development. These courses are mainly for the staffs/officials of WBSAMB, RMCs/ZRMCs and Directorate of Agricultural Marketing and are funded from State Budget and NIAM.
On another more basic level, the Institute also conducts Skill Developmental programmes, both at district level - through block level outreach training programs; and at State level- at NSTIAM. These programs are exclusively aimed at the young representatives of small and marginal farmer families, (who are potential Next-generation farmers). Such trainings are also imparted to representatives of FPCs, FPOs, FIG’s and self-help groups. These programmes are focused on empowerment so that, on completion, the candidates can access self-employment opportunities through establishment of techno-economically viable rural agro-based projects with the help of Bank. These programs are funded from the State Budget.
Presently, the Institute covers the trainings from the representatives from the following
    Officials of Department of Agricultural Marketing
    Officials of Regulated Market Committees
    Official of WBSAMB
    Official of WBSAMB
    Members of Self-Help Groups
    Members of FPOs/FPCs/FIGs
    Young Members of Farm Families
    Other Market Functionaries like trader, wholesalers etc.