The Institute?s library is equipped with several books related to agriculture, agricultural marketing, laws, acts etc. 20 people can be accommodate in the library for reading purpose at a time. At present there are 234 nos. of books there in the library.

Division of Agronomy

1. Physiology of Crop Plants.
2. Field and laboratory investigations in Agro-ecology (2nd Edn).
3. Dry Land Agriculture.
4. Cropping and Farming systems.
5. Production of Field Crop: A Textbook of Agronomy.
6. Herbicides
7. Agronomy basic and applied
8. Healing Herbs of India
9. Organic pest management :potentials and applications
10. Water Conservation and utilization in Agricultural production
11. Tobacco
12. Applications of Geospatial Technology
13. Environment and natural resources
14. Farming System: Principles and Practices
15. Handbook of Bio fertilisers and Microbial Pesticides
16. Legumes : their production ,improvement and protection
17. Seed hardening, Pelleting and coating: Principles and practices
18. Seeds: their Conservation Principles and Practices
19. Soils and Crops: Diagnostic techniques
20. Soils and Fertilizers
21. Mode of action of Herbicides
22. Maximizing crop yields
23. Introduction to crops of India

Division of Agricultural Extension Education

1. Educational Technology and conceptual understanding
2. New Dimension of Extension Education
3. Effective Managerial Leadership
4. Encyclopaedia of Management Information System
5. Development communication Applied to journalism & mass communication, Extension Education & Communication, rural Development and Management studies

Division of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry

1. Fundamentals of Soil Physics
2. Essential soil science
3. Soil and water chemistry

Division of Vegetable Science and Floriculture

1. Vegetable Crops : Genetic resources and improvements
2. Diseases of vegetable crops and their integrated management
3. Climate change and agricultural food production
4. Fundamentals of ornamental horticulture and landscape gardening
5. Fundamentals of vegetable production
6. Flower crops cultivation and management
7. Vegetable crops (Vol. 4) Horticulture Science series
8. Spices (Vol. 04) Horticulture Science series
9. Herbicides
10. Seed physiology of crops
11. Under-utilized vegetable crops
12. Varieties and hybrids of vegetables
13. Winter vegetables advances and developments
14. Pushap Utpadhan ki Takneek (Hindi)
15. Post harvest technologies for Commercial Floriculture

Division of Post-Harvest Technology

1. Postharvest Technology of Horticultural Corps: Practical Manual Series - Vol 02
2. Question Bank on Postharvest Technology
3. Modified Atmosphere & Active Packaging Technologies

Division of Plant Breeding and Genetics

1. Principles of Plant Breeding

Division of Entomology

1. Pollination biology : Biodiversity conservation and agricultural Production
2. Field Manual of Techniques in Invertebrate Pathology: Application and Evaluation of Pathogens for Control of Insects and Other Invertebrate Pests

Division of Agro-forestry

1. The Practice of Silviculture
2. A Handbook of Seed Testing

Division of Agricultural Economics

1. A Textbook Of Economic Analysis
2. Introduction To Agricultural Economics And Management
3. Economics of Agriculture
4. Co-operative Agricultural and Rural Development Banks
5. Advanced Macroeconomics
6. Macroeconomics
7. Farm management : theory and practice
8. Economics Of Agricultural Production And Farm Management
9. Agricultural Marketing in India
10. New Dimensions Of Agricultural Marketing
11. Agriculture Marketing
12. Economics of Production and Marketing of Citrus
13. Agri- Business Management
14. Basic concepts in Statistics
15. Objective Agriculture Statistics
16. The Theory of Sample Surveys and Statistical Decisions

Division of Plant Pathology

1. Gnanamanickam SS (Eds).
2. Disease resistance in Wheat

Fruit Science

1. Biotechnology of Horticultural Crops. Vols. I-III.
2. Management of Horticultural Crops. Parts I, II.
3. Microarrays for an Integrative Genomics.

Division of MBA - Agri Business

1. Agribusiness and entrepreneurship
2. Agribusiness book
3. Agribusiness management
4. Agribusiness management.
5. Dictionary of agribusiness management
6. Patterns of Entrepreneurship
7. Getting Started in Futures. 3rd Ed
8. Hand Book of Pesticides
9. Seed Handbook: Biology, Production, Processing and Storage
10. Seed Production of Agricultural Crops

Division of Journals

Several Books related to Agricultural Science and Agricultural Marketing in Bengali