The training programs under this head are funded by National Institute of Agricultural Marketing, Jaipur, an Institute under Govt. of India. Being the NIAM affiliated Institute of eastern India, NIAM ask for sending proposals to them for the training courses to be conducted in one financial year in the Institute, in the beginning of the financial year with detailed budgetary allocation. Upon receiving approval on the course content and budget, NSTIAM starts the training program. Mostly NIAM provide 70% advance fund for the training to be conducted in one month. Next fund for the next training is released after receiving adjustments of the previous training.
On an average 300-450 people are undergoing training each year. 40-50% of the trainees mainly are staffs of WBSAMB, Regulated Market Committees, Officers from Department and Directorate of Agricultural Marketing. They are undergoing 3-4 days residential courses on
Computer and Office management
Different topics related to Agricultural Marketing
Different topics related to Infrastructural development under the Department.
Rest trainees represent the farmers, who are mainly nominated by different RMCs for attending one day Farmer Awareness Program (FAP). In the program the farmers are mainly informed about different activities of the Department of Agricultural Marketing, Directorate of Agricultural Marketing, West Bengal State Agricultural Marketing Board and Paschim Banga Agri Marketing Corporation.
Training budget under NIAM training varies between 7 to 8 lakhs every year.